weight loss goals

What Not to Do at the Start of 2019 When Trying to Lose Weight

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Is your New Year’s resolution to lose weight? If so, you’re in good company. Weight loss was the second most popular resolution for Americans for 2018. Although they’re made with good intentions, only about eight percent of New Year’s resolutions will actually be achieved this year.

Perhaps you’ve (unsuccessfully) made the same resolution in the past. If you want to be successful with your weight loss goals this year, it’s time to change your mindset in order to lose weight.

Here’s what not to do if you are trying to lose weight in 2019.

1. Don’t try a fad diet.

Let’s face it: Most diets fail. Choosing a diet because it worked for a friend or because it has been endorsed by a celebrity does not mean it will work for you. How you eat should be determined by your specific needs, food preferences, lifestyle, medical background and history. Your First Baptist Medical Center weight loss doctor can help you develop a nutrition plan that works for you.

2. Don’t make unrealistic goals.

No matter how motivated you may be at the beginning of the year, it’s important to set realistic weight loss goals. When making your goals for weight loss, think S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and trackable).

3. Don’t make excuses.

Believing you don’t have time to do what it takes to lose weight is one of the most common barriers to weight loss. We all make time for what is important to us. Make weight loss a priority and you will find the time to exercise, meal plan and eat right.

4. Don’t go it alone.

We all need support. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help when you need it. Find a buddy with a similar goal and work towards that goal together. Hold each other accountable to exercising and staying on track with your diet. When you find yourself struggling, reach out to your support system to find the weight loss motivation you need to keep moving forward.

5. Don’t underestimate how much you eat.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is underestimating how many calories they consume each day. Use a food journal or calorie tracking app, such as MyFitnessPal or your FitBit app, to count every calorie you consume throughout the day. A portion control plate is another excellent tool to use if you want to watch how much you’re eating.

6. Don’t drink your calories.

Alcohol, soda, coffee and energy drinks — these can all be loaded with “empty” calories that can quickly derail your weight loss plan. Fill up on water throughout the day and save your calories for healthy protein and fiber-rich foods that will keep you feeling satisfied.

7. Don’t assume just because a food is labeled “healthy” it will help you lose weight.

Yes, you need to consume healthy food to achieve your goal, but research has found that dieters tend to eat more of the foods labeled as “healthy.” Ignore the labels on the front packaging and pay attention to nutrition labels instead. Be careful not to overeat even healthy foods.

8. Don’t sit all day.

No matter how well you eat, exercise remains an essential component to any weight loss plan. Even if you’re not at the gym working out, it’s important to learn how to increase your daily movement. Get up from your desk at least once an hour to walk to the restroom, refill your water, climb stairs or run an errand. Watching TV at home? Get up during commercial breaks to do jumping jacks or jog in place. Every moment of physical activity during the day adds up. But keep in mind that you should still aim to get in at least 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise five days a week.

Remember, even with bariatric surgery, weight loss takes time and discipline. Start by setting realistic weight loss goals and make a plan to help you achieve success in 2019. If you could use some help setting goals or developing a plan that is best suited to your needs and lifestyle, contact your First Baptist Medical Center weight loss doctor today.