The Mini Sleeve®. Our minimally invasive gastric sleeve surgery.

Gastric sleeve surgery is, today, the most performed weight loss procedure. Our unique Mini Sleeve® is an advancement on the basic gastric sleeve that is less invasive and requires fewer incisions. The Mini Sleeve was invented by our founder Dr. Todd McCarty. Dr. McCarty, a well-respected pioneer in laparoscopic weight loss surgery, has passed on this innovative bariatric procedure to his esteemed colleague, Dr. Leah Dill. Since taking over the practice, Dr. Dill is the only fully qualified surgeon able to perform this more advanced, less invasive gastric sleeve procedure.


Why you should consider the Mini Gastric Sleeve procedure by Dr. Dill?

Top DFW Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Leah Dill - The Mini Sleeve®. Minimally invasive mini gastric sleeve surgery. Dr. Dill is the only authorized bariatric surgeon to perform this surgery.

The only fully qualified bariatric surgeon to perform the Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery.

Performed over 6,000 minimally invasive surgical procedures

Extensive experience in obesity, endoscopy, anti-reflux, LYNX, and advanced laparoscopic procedures

14 plus years of surgical experience as well as tremendous compassion for patients and their total wellness

The Mini Sleeve® procedure is nationally trademarked and patented

This minimally invasive procedure requires only 2–3 incisions

Employing this technique results in less pain, lower risk for complications, faster recovery times, few scars and no overnight hospital stay

The Total Wellness & Bariatrics weight loss center holds a national patent on the device used for the Mini Sleeve® gastric sleeve surgery

The Total Wellness & Bariatrics weight loss center is a patient-focused practice striving for significant weight loss success

Covered by most insurance providers

Our alternatives to lap band surgery such as SADI-S duodenal switch surgery are covered by most major insurers.

The Mini Sleeve® procedure

The Mini Sleeve®. Minimally invasive mini gastric sleeve surgery. Dr. Dill is the only authorized bariatric surgeon to perform this surgery.

Post surgery

After surgery and weight loss, you should have no visible or minimally visible scares due to Dr. Dill’s technique of the Mini Sleeve technique which places incisions in areas, such as the navel. The Mini Sleeve is exclusive to Total Wellness and Bariatrics since it holds the national trademark and patent on this procedure.

stomach surgery
stomach surgery

No visible scars

Mini Sleeve® Surgery Patient Benefits

Will I lose the same amount of weight with the Mini Sleeve as I would with the regular sleeve?
Yes, the Mini Sleeve offers the exact same results as the traditional laparoscopic gastric sleeve.

Can I get pregnant after surgery?
Yes. But only if you are a woman. In fact, many patients who struggled to get pregnant prior to surgery due to PCOS and weight-related issues find that it is easier to get pregnant after surgery. We have had over 50 patients become pregnant after being unable to conceive before surgery.

How long is the surgery, and what kind of anesthesia do you use?
The Mini Sleeve procedure usually takes about 30 minutes and requires general anesthesia. However, it’s performed as an outpatient procedure and patients typically go home within 2–6 hours after surgery.
How soon can I start exercising?
One of the benefits of the Mini Sleeve is that you can start working out as soon as you feel ready! Remember: you have minimal lifting restrictions for the first two weeks.

It has been 4 days since surgery and I still haven’t had a bowel movement. Is this normal?
It is normal not to have a bowel movement after surgery, since your colon is the last thing to wake up from anesthesia. We recommend waiting about 2 weeks before trying a stool softener or laxative of any kind so that your body has the chance to work naturally.

Is the Mini Sleeve a standard size? If so, how much of the stomach do you remove?
The Mini Sleeve is a standard size that requires removal of 70-80 percent along with the hunger-producing hormone, which causes the patient to lower their food intake.

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Why do you require a pre-op diet?
Some doctors may require patients to consume a pre-op liquid diet in order to shrink the liver for your procedure to be performed safely. We will give you thorough instructions on how to be successful in completing your pre-op diet since each patient is different.

What is the recovery time like? How soon can I return to work?
After having Mini Sleeve surgery, most patients return to work within 2 to 3 days. It is normal to feel fatigued for the first 2 weeks after surgery.

After 6 weeks post-op, I can eat a little more. Why is that?
Your body will experience swelling after surgery, which is normal. As the swelling goes down, you’ll be able to take in more fluids and more food. Your stomach will be able to hold about 4 to 6 ounces at a time after the swelling goes down.

Will I experience hair loss after surgery?
Hair loss can happen after surgery and typically occurs with a weight loss of 100 pounds or more. Many patients will experience some hair thinning, which will grow back after the weight loss has stabilized. We recommend taking biotin supplements and meeting protein intake goals in order to prevent hair loss post-surgery. We also offer a hair follicle-stimulating laser and PRP scalp injections to stimulate hair growth.
Can I have caffeine or alcohol after surgery? We recommend staying away from carbonation and alcohol. Waiting to consume alcohol for the first 6 months is ideal to achieve maximum weight loss results. If you do decide to consume alcohol after surgery, we recommend a low-carb option. Beer is never a good choice for weight loss.

My doctor keeps putting me on medications for hypertension, high cholesterol and/or diabetes. Will the surgery help me get off these medications?
Yes, the surgery is one of the primary reasons to get off those medications. This is one of the benefits you can expect after surgery!

How soon can I start exercising?
One of the benefits of the Mini Sleeve is that you can start working out as soon as you feel ready! Remember: you have minimal lifting restrictions for the first two weeks.

It has been 4 days since surgery and I still haven’t had a bowel movement. Is this normal?
It is normal not to have a bowel movement after surgery, since your colon is the last thing to wake up from anesthesia. We recommend waiting about 2 weeks before trying a stool softener or laxative of any kind so that your body has the chance to work naturally.

Is the Mini Sleeve a standard size? If so, how much of the stomach do you remove?
The Mini Sleeve is a standard size that requires removal of 70-80 percent along with the hunger-producing hormone, which causes the patient to lower their food intake.

Why do you require a pre-op diet?
Some doctors may require patients to consume a pre-op liquid diet in order to shrink the liver for your procedure to be performed safely. We will give you thorough instructions on how to be successful in completing your pre-op diet since each patient is different.

What is the recovery time like? How soon can I return to work?
After having Mini Sleeve surgery, most patients return to work within 2 to 3 days. It is normal to feel fatigued for the first 2 weeks after surgery.

After 6 weeks post-op, I can eat a little more. Why is that?
Your body will experience swelling after surgery, which is normal. As the swelling goes down, you’ll be able to take in more fluids and more food. Your stomach will be able to hold about 4 to 6 ounces at a time after the swelling goes down.

I normally have high blood pressure and diabetes. Should I continue taking my meds for these conditions after surgery?
Please continue taking your blood pressure and diabetes medications as well as monitoring your blood pressure and sugar at home. Your PCP will officially discontinue these medications, but we advise monitoring at home because many patients are able to discontinue these medications soon after surgery.

How long will I experience gas discomfort after surgery, and what can I take to relieve this symptom?
Gas discomfort is one of the primary complaints patients have after surgery, and it typically subsides within 48 to 72 hours. You can take Gas-X strips, drops or tablets, and walking may also be beneficial.

Why do I need labs after surgery?
Total Wellness & Bariatrics promotes health and wellness, so we like to check your labs to ensure you’re meeting all of your nutritional requirements and seeing the health benefits your body will experience after surgery.

Can I take NSAIDS (Advil, ibuprofen, Aleve, aspirin) after surgery?
We recommend waiting 4 weeks after surgery to take any NSAIDS. If you have a headache, you can take OTC Tylenol. If you have chronic pain, we recommend consulting with your pain management physician to start a long-term pain management solution. NSAIDs are fine to use short-term 4 weeks after surgery.

I live out of town. Is it OK to fly or drive home after surgery?
Yes! We have had 4 international patients, and we also have patients who have come to us from 40 other states. On your flight or drive, we recommend walking and stretching your legs every hour on the way home.

Do you have a support group?
Yes, we have a private Facebook group that is dedicated to our post-op patients. We also have a Pinterest board where we post daily recipe tips and motivation.

Will the surgeon remove the stomach through my mouth?
We are able to remove the excess stomach through your belly button that involves less post-surgery discomfort.

I live out of town. How can I set up my post-op visits?
We can do any or all of your post-op visits via phone or Skype, and we will email you all of the necessary nutrition guides and lab forms to check your blood work remotely.

When do I start taking my vitamins?
We recommend starting vitamins 2 weeks post-surgery. If you are consistent with protein intake, then start your Multivitamin sooner, but don’t take this on an empty stomach.

I am almost two weeks out from surgery and I still feel fatigued. Is this normal?
Yes, many patients feel fatigued after surgery for the first week or two, but energy levels increase with time and with a higher protein intake.

How soon can I swim or take a bath after surgery?
You can shower immediately after surgery, but we recommend waiting 2 weeks after surgery to swim or soak in a tub.

I lost my nutrition packets. What is my post-surgery diet supposed to be?
Call our office and we can email you another packet. You’ll drink only clear liquids for the first 2 days after surgery, and starting on day 3 you may begin protein shakes, Genepro, or any other protein enriched liquid. Stay on full liquids until day 22, then you may begin soft solids. (ex: ground meat, eggs, cheese, lunch meat, soft foods and nothing hard or crunchy yet). By week 4 you will be able to advance your diet to a high protein/low carb diet. You will have another nutrition consultation with Tina at 6 wks post surgery that will help you reach your goals!

If I run into a problem after hours, what should I do?
Call 911 if you are having an emergency. Otherwise, you can call our main office number, which will connect you to our answering service and Dr. McCarty or Crystal will be able to speak with you.

I feel dizzy and lightheaded after surgery. Is this normal?
Yes, especially if you’re experiencing a drop in blood pressure. We recommend checking your blood pressure at home, and possibly cutting down on the dosage of your blood pressure meds until you can see your PCP for a medication adjustment.

Can I chew gum after surgery?
Yes, you may. Just make sure that it’s sugar-free, and be careful not to swallow gum within the first couple of weeks after surgery.

The glue is coming off my incisions. Is this normal?
Yes, the glue was placed to cover your incisions and prevent any bacteria from getting in. The glue will fall off on its own — try not to pick it off.

Is it normal to feel discomfort in my sternum when drinking after surgery?
Yes, this is just from the gas discomfort from the air we put in your abdomen during surgery and from the normal swelling in your stomach from surgery. This typically goes away within 72 hours and may last up to a week.

Can I drink from a straw? What about carbonation?
Yes, you can drink from a straw anytime after surgery. We recommend not incorporating carbonation after surgery, but if you must, please make sure you wait at least 3 months, no sugar, and never consume carbonation with your meals for maximum results.

The Mini Sleeve®. Minimally invasive mini gastric sleeve surgery. Dr. Dill is the only authorized bariatric surgeon to perform this surgery.

What to Expect

  • Day Surgery Outpatient (~4 hours)
  • Procedure type Minimally invasive
  • Blood loss Minimal with limited tissue disruption
  • Restrictions Minimal
  • Surgery time 30 minutes

The gastric sleeve explained.

The gastric sleeve is one our most popular bariatric options. Watch this informative video to see if the gastric sleeve is right for you.

Each patient’s weight loss journey is a unique, individual trek in which one must carefully consider the various weight loss surgery options. Together, the Total Wellness team will listen, answer your questions, and help guide you through your options.

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Top team of bariatric surgery & weight loss specialists. We have the right weight loss solution for you. Exclusive home of the Mini Sleeve®.