McCarty Weight Loss Center Dallas - Best Weight Loss Surgeon Dallas

10 Simple Ways to Be More Active

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A commitment to making behavioral and lifestyle changes is a major component of any patient’s success following weight loss surgery. While bariatric surgery is a tool that can help patients lose weight, eating right and exercising regularly are essential to keeping the weight off.

Many patients live inactive lifestyles prior to undergoing weight loss surgery. Often, these patients are limited by the excess weight they carry as well as joint pain and other health problems associated with being overweight. Once the weight begins to fall off, however, these same patients find that exercise is not only possible but also enjoyable.

Creating healthy habits takes time. Learning how to incorporate physical activity into one’s daily routine can be a challenge for someone who hasn’t been particularly active in the past. Hitting the gym, working with a trainer and/or joining a group exercise class are all excellent ways to get active and hold yourself accountable. But, if you’re someone who’s new to the idea of regular exercise, making that level of commitment can be a little intimidating. The good news is that you have other options. In fact, an active lifestyle can be achieved by making a few simple choices.

Here are 10 ways weight loss surgery patients can incorporate exercise and physical activity into their daily lives.

  1. Take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood.
  2. Do stretches or exercises while watching television.
  3. Mow the lawn with a push mower and/or plant and care for a garden.
  4. Go for a family bike ride after dinner.
  5. Replace your morning coffee break at work with a 10-minute walk around the office.
  6. Park as far from the front door as you can to get more steps in as you walk from your car to your workplace.
  7. Instead of sitting in a stuffy conference room, schedule “walking meetings” with your co-workers.
  8. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  9. Clean your home regularly, being sure to sweep and mop.
  10. Find opportunities to leave your car at home and start using public transportation or riding your bicycle.

It takes some time to develop good physical fitness habits, and it may take even longer before you begin to enjoy exercising. But if you’re committed to losing weight with the help of bariatric surgery, know in advance that regular exercise is part of the plan.

You can help yourself stick to that plan by setting goals and sharing those goals with someone who will hold you accountable. Your “fitness buddy” can also help keep you motivated on those days when your enthusiasm for exercise isn’t as high as it could be. Additionally, always have a “Plan B” for fitting physical activity into your day in case weather or an unforeseen event spoils your workout plan.

Most importantly, understand that setbacks are normal. If you miss a day (or a week) of exercise, don’t give up. Jump right back in and try to evaluate what threw you off track. Understanding that will help you strengthen your commitment to remaining physically active every day.

Finding support from others who are taking a journey similar to your own can be highly encouraging. McCarty Weight Loss Center offers post-op services — including support groups and fitness training — to help patients succeed long after they leave the operating room. If you’re considering weight loss surgery, contact us today.