weight loss mistakes

The Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes You May Be Making

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you tired of putting in the effort to diet and exercise and not seeing any weight loss results? While you may be doing many of the right things to lose weight, it’s also possible that you’re making some common weight loss mistakes that are holding you back from achieving your goals.

Here are six common weight loss mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Focusing on the scale.

The number on the scale is just one measurement of weight loss. Your weight can fluctuate three to four pounds over the course of one day due to factors such as fluid retention, undigested food and hormonal changes, so don’t get too hung up on this number. If you’ve changed up your habits and the scale isn’t moving, it could be due to water retention or increasing muscle mass. Pay attention to how your clothes fit, especially around the waist. Record your measurements with a tape measure and take monthly photos to help you see progress in your weight loss efforts.

2. Not tracking calories.

Keeping a food journal in which you make note of every bite of food and drink you take throughout the day may open your eyes to just how much you’re eating from day to day. Studies have shown that underreporting calories is a common weight loss mistake, and many people perceive that they are consuming fewer calories than they actually are. Be sure to write down all meals, snacks and even those extra bites you take while preparing dinner. And don’t forget to log what you drink — drinks often contain hidden calories.

3. Choosing “diet” foods.

Don’t be deceived by the packaging. Many foods labeled as “health,” “diet” or “low-fat” foods aren’t actually healthy or helpful if you’re trying to drop weight. In fact, many of these foods may contain added sugar to improve their taste and could actually lead to weight gain instead of weight loss. Stick to minimally processed, natural weight loss foods — we’re talking fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds and lean meats — and skip the gimmicky, pre-packaged “diet” foods.

4. Eating too often.

If you’re following the outdated advice to eat more frequently throughout the day to avoid a drop in metabolism, stop. Instead, learn to recognize hunger and only eat when you’re hungry. Eating too often — even small meals or snacks —  can lead you to over-consume calories throughout the day. But don’t let yourself get too hungry. If you’re starving, you’re more likely to make poor food choices, so pay attention to your body and learn to feed it what it needs.

5. Not reading labels.

As a general rule of thumb, avoid packaged foods as much as possible. When you do need to purchase boxed, canned or frozen foods, be sure to read the label first. You might be surprised how many seemingly “healthy” foods contain added sugar, which won’t do you any favors when it comes to weight loss. Again, sticking to nature’s own weight loss foods — and whole, single-ingredient foods whenever possible —  is always the best option.

If you want to be successful on your weight loss journey, follow the weight loss guidelines provided by your weight loss doctor. Don’t set unrealistic expectations and remember that it won’t happen overnight. High expectations can lead to frustration or disappointment, which may then feed bad habits and bring any progress you’ve made to a screeching halt.

Are you ready to drop those unwanted pounds? Contact McCarty Weight Loss Center today to learn more about our surgical and non-surgical weight loss options. Our team of weight loss experts will help you choose the strategy that works best for your lifestyle and goals.