5 Reasons to Choose the McCarty Mini Sleeve

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Almost one in three Americans is obese, and this rate keeps rising. If the trend continues, by 2018, nearly 43 percent of Americans will be obese — almost half the population.

Obesity has been linked to a number of health problems, from minor conditions to life-threatening health concerns such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes, to name a few. The obesity epidemic is also costly, with an annual medical expense of about $147 billion. People who are obese pay, on average, $1,429 more in annual medical costs than standard weight individuals.

Bariatric surgery is a proven solution to help overweight and obese individuals lose weight and reduce their chance of serious health conditions. Close to 200,000 patients undergo weight loss surgery each year. Surgical procedures for weight loss include gastric banding, gastric bypass and the gastric sleeve, one of the most popular options.

Dr. Todd McCarty’s patent-pending McCarty Mini Sleeve procedure offers patients all the benefits of the gastric sleeve with less pain, lower risk for complications, faster recovery time, minimal scars and no hospital stay.

This novel, minimally invasive surgical technique uses natural entrances to the abdominal cavity and avoids the painful incisions through the abdominal wall often required with standard laparoscopy.

If you are considering weight loss surgery, here are five reasons to choose the McCarty Mini Sleeve procedure over the standard gastric sleeve.

No pre-surgery diet required.

Most bariatric procedures require patients to be on a strict pre-op diet, often liquid based. Dr. McCarty doesn’t see this step as necessary for the McCarty Mini Sleeve, allowing patients to maintain their normal routine prior to the procedure.

Minimally invasive. 

The McCarty Mini Sleeve procedure is performed using a minimally invasive approach called Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery or NOTES, which involves fewer incisions since the stomach is not removed through the abdomen. 

Fewer incisions made. 

Patients receive approximately two incisions — one by the breastbone and one by belly button — instead of five or six as is required with a standard sleeve procedure. As a result, Mini Sleeve patients will have few (if any) scars.

Faster recovery. 

While the standard sleeve procedure often requires an overnight hospital stay, the McCarty Mini Sleeve is considered a day surgery procedure with fewer surgical risks, meaning patients go home the same day.

No restrictions following surgery. 

Up to six weeks of lifting restrictions are required for patients following a standard gastric sleeve procedure. The McCarty Mini Sleeve, however, necessitates no lifting restrictions post-procedure, meaning patients can resume their normal activities immediately, including exercise, working, playing with their children, etc.

The short (approximately 30 minutes) McCarty Mini Sleeve procedure works to suppress hunger hormone levels, helping patients lose a significant amount of their excess weight. The procedure offers patients the same weight loss benefits as the standard laparoscopic gastric sleeve.

If you’re interested in learning more about the McCarty Mini Sleeve, contact McCarty Weight Loss Center today.