Angela Hall

We are excited to announce our November POTM, Angela Hall!

“I had the mini gastric sleeve performed by Dr. Leah Dill in October of 2021. I must say that this was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2019, and struggled with trying to lose weight most of my life. It was such a difficult time, mentally, physically and emotionally dealing with being overweight, and the health issues that started to develop like having pre-diabetes and high blood pressure. Being almost a year out from having this life changing procedure I am down a total of 85lbs, and I am not battling pre-diabetes or high blood pressure! I have more energy than ever before which is exciting because I now enjoy working out 3-4 times a week!!!! I am a healthier version of myself in every aspect and I am forever grateful to Dr. Dill and the professional staff at McCarty Weight loss Center for caring about my health and wellness.”

#weightlossgoals #drleahdill #weightlossjourney #patientofthemonth #bariatricsurgery #mccartyweightlosscenter #POTM #weightlosssurgery