When you’re ready to start your weight loss journey, we’re ready to listen.
We are excited to announce our March POTM, Ashley Weigman!
“After spending the last 20 years yo-yo dieting and trying everything I knew to lose and keep it off, I decided that it was time to call in reinforcements. I did some research and found Total Wellness and Bariatrics, and I could not be more happy with my entire experience! I am down 113 from my highest weight and I feel like a million dollars!”
#MotivationMonday #Minisleeve #sleevegastrectomy #MINISLEEVESURGERY #healthylife #TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #weightlossinspiration #postbariatricsurgery #dallasbariatricsurgery #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #POTM #patientofthemonth
We are excited to announce our February POTM, Caroline Ruyle!
“Before meeting with the team at Total Wellness and Bariatrics, I had completely given up. At my heaviest, I weighed in at 451 pounds, and truly didn’t know if I’d live to see 2025. I thought I was a lost cause, but in early 2024 I made my consultation appointment for a Gastric Mini Sleeve and my life started to change. I started to change. Everyone from the surgical team to the nutritionist and reception has been so supportive and instrumental in my success of building healthy habits this past year. I’m so proud to share that I’ve lost over 200 pounds and counting! I will be one year post-op on March 1st, 2025 and I am so grateful to have my life back!”
We are excited to announce our January POTM, Jacob Jenkins! “I am so grateful to the team at Total Wellness & Bariatrics for being so kind, supportive and helpful throughout this entire process. At my highest I weighed 250 lbs but I have always been very active. I was really frustrated that my weight was impacting my performance and I was always self-conscious that my activity level didn’t align with how I looked physically. A huge shoutout to my wife who got her procedure the year before and because of her results, gave me the courage to take the leap for myself.
At my 1 year anniversary I have lost 60lbs and hitting my goal weight is right around the corner. Physically I am blowing past my old performance records and my laundry list of medical conditions have lessened or almost completely gone away but more importantly, I have found a level of self-confidence that I had been missing for a long time. My life has been changed for the better in so many ways!”
#POTM #bariatricsurgery #patientofthemonth #weightlossjourney #weightlossgoals #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #dallasbariatricsurgery #TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #weightlossinspiration #MINISLEEVESURGERY #laparoscopicsleevesurgery #healthylife #Minisleeve
We are excited to announce our December POTM, Vicki Pyers! “In July 2021, my husband and I were involved in a motorcycle accident which led to multiple back surgeries and a lot of downtime. I was already overweight at the time but during the two years that followed, I gained another 30 pounds. Weight had been a constant struggle since having my children. I tried all the diets out there and would always rebound and gain weight back. I decided to go see Dr. Dill and discuss the possibility of having the Mini Sleeve. She was very welcoming and ready to help. I managed to lose 24 pounds in the year prior to the pre-op diet. I had surgery on March 5, 2024, and I have lost an added 64 pounds for a total of 88 pounds since my heaviest. I have a little left to go but I am so much happier and healthier than I was before. Prior to surgery, I stepped out of my comfort zone and started trying foods I would not normally have eaten so that the adjustment after surgery would not be as big of a change. I was and am completely committed to obtaining my goals. I started walking 3 weeks after surgery and just recently joined a gym and even hired a personal trainer. Before surgery, I could not walk far without being in pain because of my back and I would also be out of breath. Now, I can walk with ease, chase my young nephew and play outside with him on his play equipment. I am also not as exhausted after work as I was before having this surgery. The surgery gave me added energy and even improved my confidence. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made and as most patients will tell you, I wish I had done it sooner. I will forever be grateful for not only the support working up to the surgery but all the support that followed as well. It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t talk about Tina. She has been amazing through the entire process. She never hesitates to answer any question I may have, and I have sent her a lot of questions. My advice to anyone considering the surgery is don’t be scared but also know the surgery is only a tool. You still must put in the work and be willing to change and/or sacrifice some of your normal habits. It is worth everything you put into it! Thank you to Total Wellness and Bariatrics for helping me to get my life back!”
We are excited to announce our November POTM, Brooke Elkins!
“I had surgery on November 16th, 2023. I began looking into surgery when I hit my heaviest weight of 205. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. I felt sad at times and like I couldn’t even recognize the girl in the mirror anymore. I knew I needed a big change, and so I went for it. I made the call to Total Wellness and Bariatrics, and within weeks, they got me in and completed my surgery. The day I went into surgery, I was 200lbs, and today, eight months out, I am 130lbs and 70 pounds down! I am so happy, and I feel physically and mentally so much better. I can’t thank Dr. Dill and her team enough. They have truly changed my life.”
#POTM #patientofthemonth #weightlossjourney #bariatricsurgery #weightlosssurgery #weightlossgoals #drleahdill #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #dallasbariatricsurgery #postbariatricsurgery
We are excited to announce our July POTM, Michael Hernandez! He has lost 65 pounds in the past 8 1/2 months since his Mini Sleeve.
“I have also put on a lot of muscle from starting a very active lifestyle in and out of the gym since losing the weight. I am working out with weights and doing cardio 6 days a week. It has allowed me to be more comfortable in my skin and has improved my mental and physical health. I am no longer pre-diabetic. The list goes on and on. I love being active and healthy for my family and my marriage is amazing now that I’m free of so much excess weight. Thank y’all for saving my life in so many ways.”
#POTM #Minisleeve #sleevegastrectomy #healthylife #laparoscopicsleevesurgery #MINISLEEVESURGERY #TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #postbariatricsurgery #dallasbariatricsurgery #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #drleahdill #weightlossjourney #patientofthemonth
We are excited to announce our June POTM, Jennifer Graves! “I had my procedure April 2022 and I’ve lost 116 pounds and have kept it off for almost 2 years now. I am definitely more active now. I no longer have pain in my feet or legs. It’s been nice to be able to have the help and support from my nutritionist Tina for anything I need or any questions I’ve had. I’m so glad I’ve done this for myself and have absolutely no regrets.”
#Minisleeve #sleevegastrectomy #laparoscopicsleevesurgery #MINISLEEVESURGERY #postbariatricsurgery #TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #weightlossinspiration #dallasbariatricsurgery #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #drleahdill #weightlossjourney #patientofthemonth #POTM
We are excited to announce our May POTM, Ashley Norwood! “For most of the adult years of my life, I have cycled between losing weight, then gaining it back. It was an awful cycle that was preventing me from enjoying so many things in life. After doing a lot of research and mentally preparing myself, I made one of the best decisions of my life by having the Mini Sleeve in December of 2023. With the help of Dr. Dill and guidance from the nutritionist, I have lost 94 pounds! It has completely changed my life for the better. The first time I was able to crawl through the tunnel of an obstacle course with my 2 year-old was the best non-scale victory ever! My body is healthier than it has ever been, and I am so grateful to be able to fully enjoy life with my family.”
#patientofthemonth #POTM #Minisleeve #sleevegastrectomy #healthylife #MINISLEEVESURGERY #laparoscopicsleevesurgery #TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #weightlossinspiration #postbariatricsurgery #dallasbariatricsurgery #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #weightlossgoals #drleahdill #weightlossjourney #patientofthemonth #bariatricsurgery
We are excited to announce our April POTM, Brandi Fernandez! “I had tried every fad diet and exercise routine and they would work to shed a few pounds, but not nearly enough to get healthy. I found Dr. Dill and the Mini Sleeve by chance when researching my options; it was the best choice for me. At my heaviest weight I was 328lbs and I’m down to 191, it wouldn’t be possible without Dr. Dill! I look forward to all the new adventures I will have now that my weight isn’t holding me back.”
#MINISLEEVESURGERY #bariatricrevisionsurgery #TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #DrLeahDill #dallasbariatricsurgery #weightlossinspiration #sleevegastrectomy #laparoscopicsleevesurgery #healthylife #minisleevesurgery #Minisleeve #baraitricsurgery #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #PATIENTOFTHEMONTH #BARIATRICSURGERY
She looks like a model!
We are proud to announce our March POTM, Kim Noblett!
” I am so very thankful to Dr. Dill, Crystal, Tina and all the staff at Total Wellness & Bariatrics for this incredible journey over the past three years. I can never thank you enough and am eternally grateful. Health issues led to increased weight gain and an inability to diet and exercise to lose the added weight. I prayed long and hard about a solution. Amazing enough, and I think God led, I googled weight loss clinics in Dallas and just happened upon their website. After just a few minutes watching videos, I knew this was the place for me! The staff was so very helpful, phone appointments, immediate scheduling, expedited return calls, insurance help, everything was beyond perfect. I cannot say enough good things about my journey. This month is my 3 year surgerversary. I absolutely would not change one thing. The total weight I’ve lost has been 85lbs over the course of 3 years. My highest weight pre-surgery was 199lbs. My weight at surgery was 192lbs and my lowest weight is 114lbs. My current weight is 119lbs which is my goal weight. I am barely 5’1″ so every ounce gained seems to show. I never realized when I was 199lbs how heavy I looked. It isn’t until I look back at pictures that I see just how far I’ve come. The Mini Sleeve is a tool in my arsenal to better health that I will forever be thankful for. “
#TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #DrLeahDill #postbariatricsurgery #baraitricsurgery #Minisleeve #gastricsleeve #laparoscopicweightlosssurgery #healthylife #dallasbariatricsurgery #minisleevesurgery #laparoscopicsleevesurgery #PATIENTOFTHEMONTH
We are excited to announce our POTM as a couple since February is the month of love! Congratulations to Anna and Brandon Carpenter!
“Brandon had the Mini Sleeve surgery in November 2021 that led to a 150-pound weight loss. Before the surgery, he struggled to manage diabetes and high blood pressure, relying on a daily regimen of 12 pills. Since surgery he has seen a reversal of diabetes and a significant reduction of blood pressure medications.
For myself, undergoing surgery in March 2022 has led to a weight loss of 75 pounds. Our transformations have not only brought about physical changes but have also enhanced our overall well-being, enabling a more fulfilling and energetic lifestyle. We now revel in the simple pleasures of roller coasters, flying, bike rides, and even the enjoyment of clothes shopping, celebrating the freedom and joy that our healthier lifestyles have unlocked. Weight loss isn’t just about looks – it’s about reclaiming health and vitality and we are so thankful that Dr. Dill and her team gave us the tools to do that. “
#Minisleeve #weightlossinspiration #healthylife #weightlosssurgeryjourney #weightlosstransformations #minisleevesurgery #PATIENTOFTHEMONTH #baraitricsurgery #laparoscopicweightlosssurgery #BARIATRICSURGERY #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #gastricsleevesurgery #laparoscopicsleevesurgery #sleevegastrectomy #gastricsleeve #dallasbariatricsurgery #MINISLEEVESURGERY #postbariatricsurgery #TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #DrLeahDill
We are excited to announce our January POTM, John Coulter!
“After years of struggling with my weight, it was like a rollercoaster. I would lose 10lbs just to gain 15lbs back. By December 2022, I was at my highest weight coming in at over 300lbs. I was feeling miserable, no energy, hating who I had become. I was on 3 blood pressure medications, weight loss medication, I had to use a cpap machine due to sleep apnea. That’s when I decided that I had to start making a change. I started going to the gym more, eating better and researching surgery options. That’s when I found Dr. Dill and Total Wellness and Bariatrics. After reading about the Mini Sleeve, I made an appointment to learn more. I had my surgery in May and the results have been AMAZING. My only complaint Is not having it years ago. It’s a tool to help you succeed, and I’m thankful for finding Dr. Dill and her amazing staff. Down 91lbs since December 2022. No longer required to take blood pressure medication or use a cpap machine. It’s changed my life!”
#postbariatricsurgery #weightlosssurgery #POTM #bariatricsurgery #patientofthemonth #weightlossjourney #drleahdill #weightlossgoals #minisleevesurgery #DrLeahDill #gastricsleeve #gastricsleevesurgery #TotalWellnessAndBariatrics #sleevegastrectomy #laparoscopicweightlosssurgery #dallasbariatricsurgery #MINISLEEVESURGERY #bariatricsurgeon #laparoscopicsleevesurgery #minimallyinvasivebariatricsurgery #BARIATRICSURGERY #PATIENTOFTHEMONTH
We are excited too announce our December POTM, Andrea Layton!
“I am 129 pounds down. Before I got the surgery I was morbidly obese. Now I am 10 pounds away from my goal weight and 7 pounds away from a normal BMI. Before the surgery I was miserable mentally and physically. Now I enjoy going out and I can walk a mile without any struggle. The surgery changed my life. I am so thankful to Dr. Dill and her team.”
#potm #totalwellnessandbariatrics #minisleeve #drleahdill
We are excited to announce our November POTM, Cathy Ramon! She previously had a lap band and we converted her to a Mini Sleeve!
“Hi, I’m Cathy. I had lap band surgery in 2011, that resulted in very little weight loss. After years of struggling emotionally and physically, I contacted Total Wellness and Bariatrics. On September 8, 2022, Dr. Dill performed a revision from lap band to sleeve. With the continued support of Dr. Dill and her team over the last year, I have lost 90 lbs. I now enjoy going to amusement park again and have found a love for hot yoga!”
#potm #totalwellnessandbariatrics #minisleeve #drleahdill
We are excited to announce our October POTM, Dana Lamberson!
She just hit her 1 year anniversary. “With Total Wellness and Bariatrics, I’ve managed to lose 106 lbs with my Mini Sleeve! It’s not been easy, but with this tool and the support from Dr.Dill’s team, I’ve had success that’s given me my life back. I’m so glad I made the decision to do this for me!”
#potm #totalwellnessandbariatrics #minisleeve #drleahdill
We are excited to announce our August POTM, Kylie Pressnell.
“My name is Kylie and I have the Mini sleeve surgery done on December 15,2022. In the 6 months since I’ve had surgery I’ve lost 100 pounds and I’m healthiest I have ever been! Since having surgery I’ve regained control of my life, my energy is out of this world, and I’m able to live my life to the fullest. Thank you to Dr. Dill and her team for helping me!”
#POTM #minisleeve #bariatricsurgery #totalwellnessandbariatrics #drleahdill #weightlosstransformation
We are excited to announce our August POTM, Charity Muse.
She had a Mini Sleeve one year ago! “I am so thankful for Dr.Dill and her team! I have lost 107 pounds since August 4,2022.In November, I celebrated 19 years of sobriety .For the longest time my main addiction was foods. Since the surgery I have been able to maintain a healthy diet through keto options and learned portion control which I never thought I would be able to do. So thankful for this team that has given me a new life and my health back, encouraging me every step of the way!”
We are excited to announce our July POTM, Kim Jenkins!
“I got the mini sleeve surgery almost a year ago, in June 2023. I turned 30 a month before surgery, and I desperately wanted to be healthier in my 30’s than I was in my 20’s. I had three babies in the last 8 years, and I never lost the baby weight from my last pregnancy. My weight continued to increase year after year. I was sick of living a life where I couldn’t fit on roller coasters, almost couldn’t buckle my airplane seat, and couldn’t run with my kids. I knew it was time to change, and I was ready for this tool. My life is completely changed since last year at this time. I am 115 pounds lighter, I have so much more confidence, and I can run with my kids. Surgery is an amazing tool, and I am grateful everyday for Dr. Dill and her wonderful team that has helped me through this whole process.”
We are excited to announce our June POTM, Jeannie Burleson!
“My weight before my Mini Sleeve surgery was 205 lbs. as of today, I am at 138 lbs. I have gone from a tight size 16 to a loose size 6. I have lost 11.5 inches from my waist and 12 inches from my hips. I am a type 1 diabetic but the weight loss and diet changes have reduced my insulin to 1/4 of my previous dosage. I was also told that I may need to start statins for cholesterol but that has been reversed as well. I have more energy now and feel fantastic. I am so thankful to Dr. Dill, Dr. Essa, Tina, and the rest of the staff at Total Wellness and Bariatrics!!”
#patientofthemonth #totalwellnessandbariatrics #drleahdill #bariatricsurgery #minisleeve #weightlossjourney
We are excited to announce our May POTM, Annateresa Santa Maria! She had a Mini Sleeve in February 2022!
“My Journey started at 394lbs and my goal was to get healthy after so many failed diets and exercise. My journey has taught me how to listen to what my body wants and needs; as well as it’s okay to splurge on a good snack but in a portioned size. Some days have difficult challenges than others as I go on my Journey from learning how to order at a restaurant how to pace myself when eating with others; to enjoying my time at the gym, bike rides or just a simple walk. It’s the little steps and the non-scale victories at times that matter the most. My Journey may not be the same but the end goal is all the same a better healthy lifestyle, to be able to enjoy and live those memorable moments with those who matter the most to us. I am proud to have lost 158lbs and counting with the help of Dr. Dill and her entire staff, for their understanding and support throughout my journey.”
We are proud to announce our April POTM, Sarahi Rodriguez. Another Mini Sleeve success story!
“I had struggled with my weight for years, I kept trying on my own but gave up. My wakeup call was when my diabetes got so bad that I was literally dying and I was days away from getting insulin (my Dr had told me that next appointment we would discuss it if I didn’t have an improvement in weight). I knew I need it a drastic change, kept looking for options and found this awesome clinic, oh boy, and I’m glad I did! I was terrified about surgery but I knew it needed to be done. 2/17/2022 changed my life forever and I only regret not doing it sooner. I have energy to spend time with my kids, we love doing outdoor activities now. For years I had tried to get my dream job but was unsuccessful due to requirements of passing fitness exams. Today, I’m in the last phase of being hired in my DREAM JOB, and all because of this life changing surgery. I have lost a total of 68 lbs. so far and working on just being super fit now.”
We are excited to announce our March POTM, Ashley Lee!
“I have lost 140lbs since my mini sleeve procedure. Dr. Dill and her staff have changed my life in so many ways. The sleeve helped me lose weight but the post-op support and guidance has changed my lifestyle completely. I have healthy eating habits and love to strength train. I am living my life to the fullest and enjoying my children. I am able to run and play for hours without feeling exhausted. I’m finally the fun mom I’ve dreamed of being. I will forever be grateful for Dr. Dill!”
“I started my journey with Dr. McCarty weighing 315 pounds. I was a new RN, struggling being on my feet for 12 hour shifts. Due to my previous health history, I needed a solution that was minimally invasive. When I found Total Wellness and Bariatrics online and read about the mini-sleeve, it took me a year to finally commit. I remember sitting in the consultation with Dr. McCarty and the first thing he said was ‘Are you ready to loose 100 pounds?’ I’m pleased to say that 3 years later I have passed that and have lost 140 pounds and only gained 10 pounds since having my baby a year ago. This surgery gave me my life back and allowed me to bring my beautiful baby boy into this world! I am beyond thankful for Dr. McCarty and his team!
We are excited to announce our November POTM, Angela Hall!
“I had the mini gastric sleeve performed by Dr. Leah Dill in October of 2021. I must say that this was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2019, and struggled with trying to lose weight most of my life. It was such a difficult time, mentally, physically and emotionally dealing with being overweight, and the health issues that started to develop like having pre-diabetes and high blood pressure. Being almost a year out from having this life changing procedure I am down a total of 85lbs, and I am not battling pre-diabetes or high blood pressure! I have more energy than ever before which is exciting because I now enjoy working out 3-4 times a week!!!! I am a healthier version of myself in every aspect and I am forever grateful to Dr. Dill and the professional staff at McCarty Weight loss Center for caring about my health and wellness.”
We are excited to announce our September POTM, Natasha Gibson.
“I had the mini sleeve surgery July 2020. It has been the absolute best decision ever. As a young adult, I was diagnosed with PCOS. I had no clue what it was or the impact it would have on my health. After hitting my mid-30’s, the weight started pouring on and wouldn’t stop regardless of what I tried. My energy level was going down; while my depression, anxiety, aches and pains were quickly escalating. I hurt all the time. After the surgery I started feeling how I thought maybe normal people feel and I was amazed. Here I am, almost 2 years later, down 60lb and not a moment of regret about having this surgery. Dr Dill, Crystal & Dr Essa are nothing short of outstanding. Best girl team ever. They’re compassionate and just amazing. For Mother’s Day this year I signed up for mommy and me photos with my daughter, which was huge. In the past, I would never put myself in front of a camera. I’m so glad I did this time. To see before and now helps so much.”
We are excited to announce our October POTM, Cedric Frazier! He had a Mini Sleeve almost a year ago!
“2021 was a year of sudden and drastic change for me. My mom passed in February. While grieving and adjusting to that loss, dad passed in April. Life was tough! As best as I could, I pushed through 2021. Some days were better than other but I kept pushing. While dealing with the loss of my parents I made two major life altering decisions. In May, I decided to leave my full time job and start my private chef/catering business full time. In November, I decided to do something about my weight. For years, I struggled with being overweight. I mean at birth, I was 10lbs 9oz. 😳 I tried every diet known to mankind. Every other week I bought a new miracle weight loss pill so I finally did my research and decided perhaps weight loss surgery would be my jump start into a healthier lifestyle. I am so happy I did it! November 12, 2021, 11 days before my 50th birthday, I had the mini gastric sleeve and it has changed the course of my life. I am definitely happy with my decision. I am down 120lbs with 40 more to go! Thank you Dr. Dill and the entire team at McCarty Weight Loss Center for changing the course of my life.”
We are excited to announce our August POTM, Candiss Ainsworth! She had her Mini Sleeve almost 2 years ago and is doing fantastic!
“My surgery was in November of 2020 with Dr. Dill. To say I was nervous was an understatement, but I was ready for a change and a chance of feeling like me again. I’m so proud and thankful for the courage of the girl I was back then. The staff at McCarty Weight loss center were amazing from the very first consultation to the surgery day and to my post-op appointments. They were always so welcoming and held my hand through the entire process. There’s honestly not a day that goes by that I’m not so incredibly thankful for the opportunity I was given to have this procedure. At 50 pounds down, I’m back to my college weight, and have the energy like I did then too! I have 2 little ones and finally feel like I am able to keep up with them and have energy to spare. I didn’t want my weight to keep me on the sidelines of their lives and behind the camera. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and I’m happy to be in all the pictures they let me take with them. I’m not perfect and still have goals I’d like to accomplish with my health, but I’m so thankful for this second chance and can’t wait to see what the future holds!”
We are excited to announce our June POTM, Desiree Alba. She has done amazing and is not even 1 year post op!
“McCarty Weight Loss Center has helped me gain not only confidence, but my health back too! My personal struggles were preventing me from losing the weight. I’m glad I made the decision to have the Mini Sleeve procedure. It has enabled me to put my best foot forward in making conscious decisions on what I put in my body. It is a true tool to be used for the betterment of my health. I wouldn’t have chosen any other weight loss clinic to perform my surgery. The staff have made me feel nothing but the utmost comfortable and informed from the beginning to my current situation! Thank you Dr. Dill & everyone in her team.”
We are excited to announce our May POTM, Linda Jones!
“I am so glad that I chose the McCarty Weight Loss Center in April of 2021.I was at my wit’s end I have tried everything and I was tired of being on insulin. So when Ashley answered the call I was excited, but kind of hesitant at the same time. She was so helpful because I thought my insurance would not approve me but, Ashley encouraged me to go through with the paperwork. I also asked her about out of pocket.
Thank God went through all the progress and got approved in August 2021.
On September 21st, 2021 my life was changed for the better. I am down 62 pounds and I’m in 100’s for the first time in many years. Thank you Dr. Dill and team McCarty weight loss center. I tell all my friends and family how my life has been changed. God’s Favor!”
We are so excited to announce our April POTM, Elizabeth Alstrin! She has lost over 125 lbs since her Mini Sleeve.
“The best life changing choice for my health I made was walking into the McCarty Weight loss office in November 2018. I was only surviving every day and not really living because 330lbs was holding me back mentally and physically. When Dr. McCarty walked in the office and listened to my story then he looked at me and said “Liz I promise you are going to feel 100% better and we will be with you every step of the way of this process.” I knew right then this was it and I was going to be ok and my life was going to change for the better. So here I am 125lbs lighter mentally and physically! Still receiving guidance from Dr. Dill, Crystal McCarty, and the sweet medical staff in the office. I am rid of the physical pain, depression, sadness of not being able to enjoy my life with my family, and the ability to walk and breath. I know Dr. McCarty is watching over his patients because he put his heart and soul in every surgery his goal was to truly be a person of change in this world. He left his legacy in the hands of his wife Crystal McCarty and the medical staff to keep his dreams and mission alive to help people like me to live gain. Thank you, Dr. McCarty, Crystal McCarty, Dr. Dill, and the sweetest medical staff I know for giving me my life back. God Bless and God speed to Dr. McCarty.”
We are excited to announce our March POTM, Cindy Dorin! She has lost 211 lbs since her Mini Sleeve in 2020!
“At my highest I was 340 pounds completely miserable and tired of being overweight I turned to Dr. Dill and their staff to help me with my journey! My health has made a complete turnaround, I’m happier than I’ve ever been! I am so grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given to have a second chance to live a healthier life and through this opportunity I have lost 211 pounds! Thank you McCarty Weight Loss!”
We are excited to announce our October POTM Tory Garcia!
“My husband and I both started this journey together because we were in a place in life that we wanted to be better versions of ourselves. We tried everything and nothing seemed to work for us. Reaching out to Dr Dill was the best decision we ever made. The whole team made us feel like we could conquer the world and that’s exactly what we plan to do. We are both 6-month post-surgery and we have both lost 100lbs each and still losing.
Weight loss surgery isn’t a magic wand that will make all your weight issues disappear. You must be willing to put in as much work as your tool.
Thank you to everyone at McCarty for giving my husband and I a new lease on life. Quote that helped me get through “nothing will change unless you change”.
We are excited to announce our August POTM, Shane Freeman!
“After having this surgery my life has been amazing. From my new wardrobe to graduating Cum Laude from college … Over 110 pounds down since November. By following the instructions before and after surgery, you will definitely see results … JUST LOOK AT ME!”
We are excited to announce our September POTM, William Gunn!
“This is a blessing; I thank Dr. Dill and the McCarty team for giving me this amazing tool to start my new lifestyle. I wanted to do this since I was diagnosed with many things such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and being pre diabetic. Weighing at 394 lbs., really made me look at myself in the mirror and make a change. Being here for my 4 children and beautiful wife is a priority. I have been obese for about 2 decades. I had my surgery in March 2021 weighing in at (pre surgery weight) 360 lbs.; 4 months post op I weighed 250 lbs. Taken off most of my meds, have more energy, and incorporated exercise and healthy eating as a priority. I definitely recommend McCarty Weight Loss Clinic to anyone who is struggling with weight issues and need a tool to succeed. I am proud to say I have officially lost 144 lbs. Thank you all very much!”
We are excited to announce our June POTM, Luis Vazquez! Luis has done amazing since his Mini Sleeve!
“My weight loss journey has been nothing short of life saving for me. I peaked at 330 lbs., which I would say was the perfect weight if I was 8 ft. tall. When I came in for my first consult I was 310 lbs. My sleeve weight was 285 and 3 months later I am down to 236 lbs. My goal is to be under 200 lbs. for the first time in 30 years. I have a great support system at home since my wife is also a bariatric patient and has helped me through my journey. I want to thank your practice for all you have done for me.”
We are excited to announce our July POTM, John Wells.
“I cannot thank Dr. McCarty, Crystal, and the entire staff enough. It was suggested I have the surgery by my Cardiologist. I resisted a couple years. I finally did it and have never looked back. He says I probably added 15 years to my life. My A1C is no longer in the diabetic range. My blood pressure is normal. I have been taken off several medications and have had dosages reduced on others. I actually weigh less now than I did in college 40 years ago! Now I get nothing but praise from my Cardiologist and PCP. I highly recommend McCarty Weight Loss Clinic to anyone who has or is struggling with their weight. I have lost 125 lbs. Thank y’all so much for changing my life.”
We are excited to announce our February POTM Megan Mitchell!
“The wife and mom on the left was tired all the time, depressed and didn’t know who she was. The wife and mom on the right is now full of life and enjoys spending time outdoors with her children and the depression is gone. I am so thankful to have found Dr Dill and her staff at McCarty weight loss center. I feel like I have a purpose again…I feel like me again! This is my second chance and I intended to use it to the fullest! I now feel like the me I was always supposed to be! Thank you McCarty weight loss for giving me my life back!”
We are excited to announce our April POTM, Mandi Linder!
“I cannot thank Dr. Dill and the whole team at McCarty Weight Loss enough for this amazing journey I’m on! My surgery was June 4, 2020 . Since surgery I am down 80 pounds with a total loss of 116 pounds! My love for life is back and I can say I never been happier! This weight loss tool has helped me find confidence, sleep better, and took so much pressure off my back and knees. The list of positive life changing results could go on for miles! I still look at photos before and after and think “holy Hannah is that really me?” I would like to say thank you to infinity and beyond for all the hard work you and your team did to help change my life.”